Did you know: Successful C. Sections

Due to funds provided by our generous donors, our medical team were able to perform an emergency Caesarian section that was carried out on Fadus Ali Dahir, aged 25 and they were able to deliver her first baby. The C. section performed at 10 pm, on March 22nd, 2024,  when labor became obstructed in the second stage, necessitating that the baby be delivered by C section. The procedure was successful and both the mother and the baby girl were discharged on March 25th 2024.
On March 23rd Mrs. Hoodo Faysal Mohamed, aged 26, and was also in the process of having her first baby required an emergency C. section for fetal distress during a prolonged second stage of labor. Both the mother and the healthy baby boy were discharged on March 25th 2024.